Monday, 31 March 2008

Airport Schengen Border is Now Open!

Based on the yesterday news (30 March 08), Passport controls in air traffic with Schengen area countries were eliminated a minute past midnight on Sunday in Slovenia. It means everyone who hold schengen visa can enter Slovenia via airport as well. This will be in all 3 airports ; Ljubljana, Maribor and Portoroz.

Security checks will still remain in place on Schengen flights, but will be carried out by the airport staff or security service and no longer by the police. The Joze Pucnik Ljubljana Airport has separate gates for Schengen and non-Schengen passengers as of July 2007 when it opened a new passenger terminal. As the smaller airports in Maribor and Portoroz do not have separate facilities, but will use organisational measures instead.

Despite the absence of border checks, passengers on Schengen flights still need to carry a document to prove their identity, either an ID or a passport, just like for any travel within the Schengen area.

Welcome to Slovenia everyone!!!

Pic Source :

Change to summertime

30 March 2008. Yesterday, at 00.00 (30 March) we switched time one hour forward due the summer time because now the day is getting longer. The sun is going down around 7 0'clock.Will be more and more late in couple of months. In europe this is necessary to do in order to save the energy (less electric power). So teoritically now winter should be over and the weather will be getting warmer.

Pic source :

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Bye ... bye my long hair

26 March 2008. Yesterday, Boža, once again kindly took me to her hairdryser. And this this time I had to say goodbye to my long hair ... which I had it for more than 3 years. Without any doubt, which I usually had it everytime I wanted to have a short hair, I finally made the decision 'It's time to CHANGE!!!' So I asked the lady to cut it shortly, just like Katie Holmes's picture I took with me :-) Besides, it will grow again ... as Grega said :-) Now I feel so fresh and light ... and I dont need to wash it everyday as I used to ... and no need to spend 25 minutes just for hairdrying :-)

Going back to train fencing ...

25 March 2008. Finally after years ... Grega is going back to train fencing. Before he couldn't do it due the training schedule which was too early, it was around 4 pm. Now they have it at 6 pm, which is suitable time for him. He started to do this sport since he was kid, and also been in some competitions, not just around Slovenia, but also abroad. As well as his brother, Matej. And today, I went with them, not for training ... but just watching what they are doing there. To me it's quite interesting sport ... you are just like a knight or a warrior with the sword and you have the battle to win :-) Yet, I dont know if I can do it, eventhough he wants me to train with them, so that he can have someone to beat, hehehe ...

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Zima ... zima bela ... when are you going to stop ?!?!

19 - 23 March 2008. Last week the weather was really bad. We had long weekend cause of easter holiday, yet we couldn't go anywhere since the snow started falling since Saturday. And it wasn't just drizzling a bit, but a lot, for the whole day. The road covered by snow and it was dangerous to drive cause it was slippery. We cancelled the whole plan to go out and stayed at home instead. It was totally ruin our plan.It was just terrible weather cause it made me sleepy and just wanted to stay in bed. I was hoping no more snow during March and that the weather will get better. Because of this bad weather we also had to cancel the plan to go to Austria for taking care my passport that is going to expire on July.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Winter is not over YET ?!?!?!

YES it seems so!! This morning when i woke up, I was surprise when i see everything is all white and snow is falling so much. Still falling till now when i am writing this blog. Its been a while since the last snow. Last night when we went to sleep, we heard rain was falling. But never expected it would be a snow later on. I thought winter is over already and i somehow expected the weather is going to be warmer, especially today. But I thought wrong. I dont know if this one gonna stop soon. I hope so since i dont have my winter boots here. If not, then i have to walk on my other boots very carefully since the roads will be slippery cause of the ice.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Spring is coming

It seems spring is coming soon. These pictures were taken from our garden. Some flowers already blooming. These are a wild flowers that used to bloom at the first of spring time. They called it "Trobentica" means a trompet. As for the yellow one, i dont know what is it. I have to ask Grega first :-) Ehm ... cant wait for the real spring weather ... at least i hope its gonna be warmer cause i plan to plant something on the garden.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Kena timpuk nih ... Ngerjain Tag :-D

PR Berantai :-)

Dapat PR dari Vivie jerman ... dan dah ditagihin , hihi (sorry Vie kalo lelet... ). So sebelum aku lupa aku kerjain nih ya ... Moga2 aja bener ngerjainnya ... maklum agak2 gaptek nih soal ginian :-)

~~Begin Here~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :

1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.

Rules :

1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can..

Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, Novee, Ichaawe, Anggangelina, Eiven, Putlie, Irien, Andiana, Ani,Vivie, Tatie


Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. Tag at least 5 friends..!
Sekarang giliran aku nimpuk yang laen ... sapa ya ??? Soalnya belum banyak temen juga nih di blogger. Ok, aku kasih aja ke Indri di Surabaya, Carol di Jerman, Tutut di Swiss ama Tika di Makassar ....selamat mengerjakan.

Women's Day

8 March 2008. Before I didnt know 8 of March is International Women's day until Grega told me. Duh?!?!?!?! :-D Well if you ask me when is Hari Kartini (Indonesian women's day) is, I definately know the answer :-D. This important day started in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. Then In 1910 the first international women's conference was held in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, there's still a women repression in certain part of the world. Yet, in west countries, women already has a same right as men. At least in that day women is a spesial creature for men :-)
And yesterday, suprisingly Grega brought me a rose when he was home from work. I didnt expect it since he never brought me a flower even on Valentine's day :-D Jokingly I asked ' you didnt take this rose from someone's garden, right?' And he said that no rose growing during the winter. Ah yeah, right ... he got the point, hehehe ... And today, in the morning after I took a shower, suddenly he gave a big box of 'After eight', my fave chocolate!!! I asked 'from who?'. 'From me, thank you for being a good wife!' he said .... It feels great if our husband appreciate our duties as a housewife. Happy Women's Day everyone!! I hope women will be more appriciated and valued, especially for all women in third-world countries.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Virus attack ...

25 February 2008. Last week was not a good week for us. Both, me and Grega got a virus attack that caused diarea, vomitting and high temperature. First, it was me. I felt something strange with my stomach. It was like somebody squising it. I told him that I dont feel good. Thing that worried us that i might got something similiar from his grandfather since we met him last weekend. This virus is contagious fast by the air and if you dont wash your hands clearly after touching something. Soon after i told him, i had to rush to the bathroom. And that day at least I had to go there for 4 times before I felt a bit better. And during that time i was afraid to eat anything. Just drink an indian tea that is good for stopping the diarea. From the office, Grega asked me to measure my temperature in case i have the fever. Thank God I didnt. I feel better during the evening and it stopped. And 2 days after me, He got it. Yet, not like me, He had worst. When he got home from work, his body was very hot . His temperature was until 39 degress C. Luckily next day he didnt have it anymore after he took a medicine to ease the fever. Yet, he still had the diarea. Fortunately no vomitting. Still he need to take a day off from work. All day he just drank tea or water and dry bread. Next day, he thought that he felt better and went to work as usual since Friday he only worked half day. That day he ate normally. But it turned out that he actually still had the virus inside his body. So again, he had to go the bathroom during the evening and also during the night. He was so weak cause he lost lot of liquid. So for couple of days, he had to do the diet, just drank water or black/mint tea and dry bread. It was terrible to see him like that. Especially when he saw me having a normal dinner with my chicken soto ... 'ehm ... smell so nice!!' his comment. :-) Poor Grega! Actually this is not the first time he had it. He sort of easy to get a digestion problem. Its not like mine that already 'used' to with dirty water and dirty environment since I live in big town like Surabaya which has high pollution and polluted water. Somehow it 'blessed' me with a better and strong immune system. Maybe that's why the virus get sick of me instead and decided to leave me alone :-))) I also never get cold (flu) during the climate changing as most people here had. Makes me thinking whataver how bad people think Indonesia is, in this case I feel so lucky born and raise there.